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    DEC 2007 - JAN 2008
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    Sunday, January 29

    After a great night sleep, I woke up and was stuck to my phone in bed for a while.
    Then after many text messages, I washed up, and then proceeded to take a bath.
    Following, me and my sister wished our parents a happy new year and all the other auspicious idioms.

    We went to Sentosa to look at some flowers. It was a very hot day, was perspiring madly. My sister was taking photos of almost everything. And the place stunk of cow dung.
    But it was not bad, the flowers were nice, but the weather was too bright for any nice pictures..
    Yeah, Sentosa is not bad, go check it out as well.

    Next, and just like every new year, we went to my cousin's house for the new year gathering =]
    Was early and before anyone else there, so I started setting up GunZ from my little SD card to his computer, as downloading takes far too long.
    So it was like damn fast and shiok. I click and go click and go.
    No loading needed. Then I collect ang bao at the same time.. haha.

    Lastly, visited the River Ang Bao at Esplanade and Marina Bay there.
    Alot of stores. I loved the thai desert =]
    Go visit that area too, many things are on sale and many displays.

    Something nice happened today, haha.
    I'm still not going to share what yet. =]

    Just got off the phone with Clare.. haha.
    friends are already teasing me. -beams

    Haha, wanted to wish her happy CNY, she got too tired.

    Happy CNY CLARE =D
    and to everyone else too =]

    Okay, im going to bed now too.
    *yawn* >o< nights!

    Friday, January 27

    School was boring. The performance might have been cheap, but it was still okay.
    It was boring though, for me. The activities weren't fun, the MCs were stupid.

    Was issued a 'catholic welfare' booklet. I'm sure you guys (or girls) have heard about this thing. I'm considering to buy one whole booklet, which costs $10, to help the needy children =]

    And then, I was thinking again, if I should be an outgoing person, or one that does sports, which is a whole lot more fun. haha.
    So I'm gonna try sports, probably be doing 2.4km everyday from next week onwards (after chinese new year).

    Now i'll just be trying to finish up all my CNY homework. I can play a little GunZ, but I rather sms Clare, haha. Wish me lots of luck, =]

    Thursday, January 26

    Yay, PE again. Ran 2.4km.

    Came in 13.48 =]
    Haha, fourth in class, and my classmates and I (those who pass) were like the top 10s.. reason being some slacked.. and some, run until they buay tah han, Lol.

    I paced with Joshua, who lacked out behind later on, maybe he couldnt take it?
    Then I went with Shawn, haha, he could run!
    Good runner.. kept encouraging me also.. hehe.
    I stop, he stop.. haha, so I can keep pace with him.

    I walk for like, 30-40 seconds.. or more.
    Couldnt breathe.. so in the end, came in so late lor.
    Was expecting 13 min.

    Haha, today Mrs Jackie Cheng walk into the class to inspect on our behaviour and stuff. Then Ms Thomas (our form teacher, who was in the classroom then) told Mrs Jackie Cheng about the two irritating boys sitting at the back, who always tell the class some lame jokes and obstructs the lessons. Very irritating.

    So in the end, they kena scolding, wahahas. Serves them right!

    Alright.. that's all, I cant remember anything else.

    Wednesday, January 25

    Did CNY decos for the classroom again.
    I didnt really do anything today, I was planning on slacking in school.

    All the classes were fun, including science. We we're starting a new topic on digestion, then, Mdm Kalijah, our science teacher, started asking us how we should know when we have good or bad digestions.

    One guy said, "Shit, ah?"
    Then Mdm Kalijah, "Yah lah, smart.." or something like that.

    Then we talk about all the different types of shit, from black shit, which contains too much iron, to brown shit, the healthier choice, and the green shit.

    Lol, we we're talking shit, alright!

    Then music period, I helped the geog rep. to take some books down to the staff's room. thought we would be late for class, so we rushed up. however, it turns out that the teacher hasnt even made her appearance yet.

    So the class was chitter chatter, the chairman was like "SSSHhhHH!!!"
    Then I took out my handphone.
    Clicked on messages.
    Create new message.
    and then suddenly my phone started to vibrate.

    scared the shit out of me. realised someone just messaged me.
    very nice timing right?
    i going to sms clare.
    then she sms me. lol.

    Anyways, music teacher was late.
    Therefore, we got dismissed late.
    And that meant I would turn up late, or not even late, for a meeting I had.

    Stupid right?

    Haha, tomorrow is ALSO another slacking day, only this time..

    ..with PE =P

    Tuesday, January 24

    For math lesson today, the teacher forgot that she had a lesson with us, and walked straight past the classroom. Then we had two free assembly periods, so we could play like heck.

    Some people played chess, some played chopsticks (the finger game.. lol). I was too tired of chess, so I tried chopsticks again, and was doing my best to remember all the winning moves I used back in primary school. Beat everyone, except for a few times, when I tried some new moves and took some risks along the way.

    Was very fun, did some class decos today before leaving for robotics.
    Robotics was a hella boring, I just stood there looking out for Robotics and Robosoccer guys, making sure they dont make noise and cross each other.

    Then I made my way home.. was too tired. Walked right into the escalator going in the opposite direction. One girl saw me, and sorta started to giggle. I was like.. diao. -_-"

    After that, all the way till now, I'm listening to music (as usual), text messaging =] and blogging. yahh.. that's all.

    Buh-ByE =D

    Guys, I'm okay already =]

    So, haha yeah, I was too tired, and lacked energy.
    Been setting goals that I want to aquire by the end of sec 4.

    If I do achieve them, I'll post them here.
    If I dont, thats too bad =P

    Disappointed. Tired. Confused.

    Why do i care to stay back to do decorations or anything in school?
    Robotics is boring, why do i care to stay back?
    Homework is boring, why do i care to do it?

    Maybe i just want to be good. but im tired of this.
    too tired.
    really, tired like shit.

    Maybe its because I havent ate anything today.
    Maybe it's just that my classmates are too irritating.
    Maybe, just maybe.

    Maybe i'm just very disappointed in something, I dont know what.
    Myself? yeah, again.

    I think I'm disappointed on something i was looking forward to.

    Monday, January 23

    Tuh-day, when we just got dismissed from class, i was considering if i should stay back to do some class decorations, but shaun dragged me along to the busssstop. then we met asraf. just missed the buss. so shaun bought the roller coaster snacks, and i decided to have some, as once i implant those braces, no more harddfood anymore ):

    While i was digging my hand into the packet of junkfood, clare called. haha, was so shocked. phone started vibrating, then had to quickly clean my hands and dip into my pocket to get it out. my phone sucks.. really. i couldnt even hear her. >_<

    Okayy, then shaun got off at his stop, when he was supposed to accompany me to the interchange, idiot. haha, anyway. when i got home.. i saw my grandmother waiting for me.. she came today, check things out. stuff.
    good thing i came home early today.. haha.

    that's about it, wish me luck for the braces! =D

    *- Many thanks to Alloysius who gave me a cartoon mug, lovin' it =] -*

    Sunday, January 22

    Took a picture of myself just now.
    It sucked.
    Dont think anyone can see anything behind my phone, lol.
    Aha.. probably upload it for those who are DYING to see how I look like.
    Especially my GunZ fans XD

    Oh well, I'll continue browsing nokia.com.sg and text messaging..

    School tomorrow, so that means sleep early tonight =]

    Just took breakfast, and Im going to stay bored for probably the next few hours.
    Lent my dad my phone, he had to use it for something, I dont know what.. now I cant contact anyone. Shit man. I should have followed my family out. Called them, but they were already on the road. Shit, I so regret it.

    Cant text message Clare or anyone else now.. *sigh*

    Saturday, January 21

    Just came back from Carrefour @ Suntec. Was so crowded with people, and very squeezey, especially at the place where they sell the frozen stuff along with all the dairy products. Before leaving for Carrefour, was taking some plain water out of my squirt bottle (nike =P), I had a mouthful, turned around and looked at my sister. All of sudden, I had the urge to spit at my sister, and I choked. Phhhssssh, Lol. Too bad, I covered my mouth, natural reaction. -.-

    Bought some groceries, along with some Surfer's Paradise shirts and pants, I like that brand, very nice material.. soft. Mmm, there was this guy, who screamed and then yelled "F**K YOU!!" as it looks like a kid just pushed a trolley into his hands, which was resting at the metal framing of the little freezers. Everyone looked at him xD

    Alot of babies there, cute and chubby.. Clare claimed that she wanted to STEAL them =S

    Hrmm, that's all. going on the phone now...

    Friday, January 20

    For the first few lessons that start off the day, you can say they were the best for the first three weeks in school. That's right, absent teachers. Which means more chinese chess games and chatting, or drawing, with my fellow classmates.

    This week, I've been thinking of saving some money, which can be put to better use in the near future. For some reasons, I dont wanna share why.

    Quite a few birthdays this month. Today was great. At least the class didnt sing me a birthday song (:
    During home econs, I successfully cut out a zen (black and white) pattern, which is the Taichi symbol. I made two, in one cut. Looks great.. at least better than the rest of my classmates, as they were probably too distracted playing with the sewing machines.
    Personally, I think hand stitching is more handy, safer, and more appropriate. As machines are kinda hard to control, unless you're a PrO in it.

    I still hate it when Shawn, Shaun, and some others kept saying that I have a girlfriend.. and kept nosing into my text messages and conversations. Good think I set a privacy lock =]

    After school, we played a few matches of chinese chess, as it is the 'in' thing in my class now. In class, I'm like a chess expert, but I merely play any matches, other than in school. And I dont attend chess classes, too boring.

    Went for dental appointment today, at Serangoon Secondary. They had their own field, two basketball courts, very nice.

    I liked their courtyard, but the school doesnt feel very welcoming, as there were girls sitting at the corner, looking at me like.. "Eh? This boy come from where one? How come his school uniform different?" But the prefects were friendly, and showed us around, and to the dental bus.
    My teeth is alright, so I have thumbs up for the braces.

    On the way back home, from SSS, took a cab. The cabby was very friendly, and nice. Not like the other cabbies that stop right infront of other cars and practically dont care to turn on their hazard lights. Was smsing clare the whole way back, cos' was too boring, and it is boring this few days..

    Tomorrow, i'll be going to Shaun's house instead of going ice skating. Going to meet his sister again, which is like a sister to me. She's friendly and cute, what's more, her chinese is good!

    Haha, that's all, till then.

    Thursday, January 19

    We had the first physical training lesson that required us to put some mind-cum-body endurance to work.
    We ran around the school, not in the school, around the neighbourhood which is around the school.
    It was about 1km to 2km long, was kinda tiring, but fun.

    Before the running started, we were doing "Iron-Man" warm-ups, which consisted of a series of warm-ups led by different teachers.

    The first one was just stretches.
    Second one was push ups and some exercise that uses your elbow to support your body off the ground (parrell to it) at push up position.
    Then we to do some kinda lunges, followed up by some short sit-ups.
    Finished off with star jumps.

    Then we ran the run. Many of those who were in front, or those who sprinted the first part, stopped later on in the middle course of the route. I had an average start, was talking with my friends, while jogging at an average pace.

    Then one of my friends couldnt take it, and I kept pacing at my average.
    Half way through the route, at some up hill part, I over took Shawn (classmate)
    and started to go a little faster.

    Approaching the big grass field, before turning right and sprinting 250 metres to the school gate, I saw Joshua, who was at the front all the time. He was like, worn out, lol.

    Gave him a pat on his back, and whizzed pass him. A little head, I heard footsteps, it was Joshua, he went ahead and sprinted, thinking that he can over shoot me and sprint for 200 metres. He was wrong, he stopped at the next 50 metres and started panting madly.
    Then I sprinted, shiok man. My legs went numb, and I got the rhythm, and gaining speed quickly, I completed the journey and made it to the top few. Went up to the hall, caught some breath, and laid on the floor.

    This year, I'm going to try for 10 minutes or faster when taking part in the 2.4km run. Think I can make it? Place those bets :)

    Wednesday, January 18

    "When I'm Gone"

    It's my life...
    My own words I guess...

    [Verse 1]
    Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?
    Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?
    When they know they're your heart
    And you know you were their armour
    And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm 'her
    But what happens when karma, turns right around and bites you?
    And everything you stand for, turns on you to spite you?
    What happens when you become the main source of her pain?
    "Daddy look what I made", Dad's gotta go catch a plane
    "Daddy where's Mommy? I can't find Mommy where is she?"
    I don't know go play Hailie, baby, your Daddy's busy
    Daddy's writing a song, this song ain't gonna write itself
    I'll give you one underdog then you gotta swing by yourself
    Then turn right around on that song and tell her you love her
    And put hands on her mother, who's a spitting image of her
    That's Slim Shady, yeah baby, Slim Shady's crazy
    Shady made me, but tonight Shady's rocka-by-baby...

    And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
    Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
    Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
    And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
    Just smile back
    And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
    Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
    Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
    And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
    Just smile back...

    [Verse 2]
    I keep having this dream, I'm pushin' Hailie on the swing
    She keeps screaming, she don't want me to sing
    "You're making Mommy cry, why? Why is Mommy crying?"
    Baby, Daddy ain't leaving no more, "Daddy you're lying
    "You always say that, you always say this is the last time
    "But you ain't leaving no more, Daddy you're mine"
    She's piling boxes in front of the door trying to block it
    "Daddy please, Daddy don't leave, Daddy - no stop it!"
    Goes in her pocket, pulls out a tiny necklace locket
    It's got a picture, "this'll keep you safe Daddy, take it withcha'"
    I look up, it's just me standing in the mirror
    These fuckin' walls must be talking, cuz man I can hear 'em
    They're saying "You've got one more chance to do right" - and it's tonight
    Now go out there and show that you love 'em before it's too late
    And just as I go to walk out of my bedroom door
    It's turns to a stage, they're gone, and this spotlight is on
    And I'm singing...

    And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
    Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
    Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
    And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
    Just smile back
    And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
    Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
    Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
    And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
    Just smile back...

    [Verse 3]
    Sixty thousand people, all jumping out their seat
    The curtain closes, they're throwing roses at my feet
    I take a bow and thank you all for coming out
    They're screaming so loud, I take one last look at the crowd
    I glance down, I don't believe what I'm seeing
    "Daddy it's me, help Mommy, her wrists are bleeding,"
    But baby we're in Sweden, how did you get to Sweden?
    "I followed you Daddy, you told me that you weren't leavin'
    "You lied to me Dad, and now you make Mommy sad
    "And I bought you this coin, it says 'Number One Dad'
    "That's all I wanted, I just want to give you this coin
    "I get the point - fine, me and Mommy are going"
    But baby wait, "it's too late Dad, you made the choice
    "Now go out there and show 'em that you love 'em more than us"
    That's what they want, they want you Marshall, they keep.. screamin' your name
    It's no wonder you can't go to sleep, just take another pill
    Yeah, I bet you you will. You rap about it, yeah, word, k-keep it real
    I hear applause, all this time I couldn't see
    How could it be, that the curtain is closing on me
    I turn around, find a gun on the ground, cock it
    Put it to my brain and scream "die Shady" and pop it
    The sky darkens, my life flashes, the plane that I was supposed to be on crashes and burns to ashes
    That's when I wake up, alarm clock's ringin', there's birds singin'
    It's Spring and Hailie's outside swinging, I walk right up to Kim and kiss her
    Tell her I miss her, Hailie just smiles and winks at her little sister
    Almost as if to say..

    And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
    Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
    Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
    And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
    Just smile back
    And when I'm gone, just carry on, don't mourn
    Rejoice every time you hear the sound of my voice
    Just know that I'm looking down on you smiling
    And I didn't feel a thing, So baby don't feel my pain
    Just smile back...

    [Curtains closing and sounds of footsteps]

    Also wish Marshall and Kim a happy marriage.
    Search Eminem at google.com or yahoo.com
    to find out more =]

    Sunday, January 15

    Today I bring you a news article from The Sunday Times Jan 15 > Talk Page 38 > Inbox.

    All schools should go co-ed

    I AM delighted that one of our most established single-sex schools has gone co-ed ("Here come the ACS (I) girls"; ST, Jan 4), and that both students and teachers of Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) have embraced this as a significant step to enrich the learning enviroment.

    I have long advocated co-ed schools and had called for the conversion of all single-sex schools unwittingly create an artificial barrier to the natural evolution of wholesome interaction between ours boys and girls.

    Co-ed schools offer a more conductive enviroment for our children to nurture social skills early in life, thus helping them develop into confident well-adjusted individuals, better prepared for adulthood, marriage and family.

    Single-sex schools are incongruent with today's way of life and hinder the growth of liberal and healthy interaction between the two sexes.

    I urge our policymakers and school professionals to convert all our remaining single-sex schools into co-ed ones as soon as possible.

    We have introduced many bold reforms to the education system and must remove the remaining anachronism embodied in the single-sex schools.

    Otherwise, we will be clinging to antiquated social values and the outdated morality of a bygone era.

    Ang Ah Lay
    Hong Kong

    *if there are any errors that you might spot, please notify me, as I've typed this article from the papers*

    I think this is a very good article/suggestion and should be implimented in schools as soon as possible. xD

    Especially the part on the 'artificial barrier'. So true. Hope the principal can accept this, will be posting him an e-mail or letter soon (:

    This will keep some boys and girls happy, lol.

    Saturday, January 14

    Ice skating has always been tiring.

    My sister had to go for lessons today. I was trying to practise the moves she had learned. Kinda tough, and fell a couple of times when trying to do so.

    Wasnt wearing jeans, just long pants, got so soaked, as the ice sorta melted a bit. Too many people ice skating today, not very fun. Sometimes, people dont abide by the rules, they skate clock wise(meant to be anti-clockwise), some teenages use the metal poles and run all over the rink, in the wrong direction and towards people.

    Once, I got pushed down, luckily I fell on my legs, not my face.

    Friday, January 13

    Yeah, the moment we're dismissed today, I called Shaun and Matthew, who went to Mac's to get a small group of boys lunch, cos we were going to put in alot of hardwork to decorate the classroom for Chinese New Year. The group of boys mainly consisted of the class committee, class chairman, etc. However, I refuse to be part of anything xD, I just liked staying back, anyway GunZ is down, might as well help out.

    Ho-ho, Mc Spicys, large fries, chicken burgers, were ordered. By the time they got back to school, which was approximately 10 minutes away (journey by bus), it was nearly 2pm.

    We used about 300 to 500 odd red packets, which we stapled together to form words, strings of decorations, and we cut out images of little and very cute dogs and pasted them all over the classroom. At the doors, we hung little red 'balls' at the doors of our classroom. In the end, the classroom sure looked alot livelier.

    However, half way through, one bit of the windows dropped down from our classroom, which was located on the 3rd storey of the school, to the ground level, where some NPCC LAND boys were having their training(nagging period and a waste of time, if you'd ask me to comment, since boys are already going to have 2 years of NS). Yeah a litte bit fell down, fortunately, it didnt hurt anyone.

    Two boys, who were in their uniform, and weren't even Cadets, came up like bigshots and acted like they were SO high-ranked in school. They weren't even a threat, and warned us that we're dead, when they told this piece of news to the OM(operations manager). It fell down itself, the window broke when a fellow classmate closed it. The NPCC LAND representative was acting as if he never did anything wrong before. The CCA sucks, discipline? My foot.

    Later on, the OM visited. Nothing was said on the window incident, he was commenting on the decorations, and kept saying it was so nice. It was such a compliment, he hardly smiled!

    After putting the last few decos, when we arranged to go back together, we saw our form teacher, who wanted to check out the decos. She was like 'Woah..' when she stepped into the classroom. It was really nice.

    Guess what? We were being rewarded a little treat, described as a meal somewhere then over at swensens for ice-cream, like next friday. Yeah I cant wait, and I really feel that it is fun to do things together as a class. ^^

    Thursday, January 12

    It's friday the thirteenth tomorrow, just in case any of you didnt know, you know now.

    Wonder what unfortunate event will happen tomorrow, may god bless and make fortunate events happen.

    I was thinking of the normal songs I hear, since now I am especially bored, since it is the monsoon season, wet everywhere, not the type of weather I need to drop by at my friends' houses.

    These days, especially when I dont need an extention of 5 minutes in recess break, I get it. They could have gave it last year, this year, it's really boring. So I just fiddle with my phone, chat, listen to music most of the times and checking on blogz.

    Yeah, back to the song, which is Lose Yourself by Eminem. Sorta asks what you might do with the one oppotunity you're given in life. What would you do? I think I'll try to do everything right. Try. That's right.

    What would you do? You can ask yourself this question in other situations as well.
    It's meaningful, do post your comments in the tagbox.. (:

    Wednesday, January 11

    yes, its another boring day. all i could do during a really long monsoon season was to listen to songs ^_^ eminem, avril lavgine, uh, some other familiar artists. so other than listening to songs, had very little homework. leonard came online today, told me about this visualboy thingy, you can play pokemon on it. quite lame, played it before, waste of time! xD but it was kinda fun.

    and guess what? oh, by the way, this is going to be about gunz.
    gunz server downtime, 3 days. lol. so ive been watching videos, so when the server is up, it's time to get my gear and hit the training rooms.
    revolver style, yeah. that's what im looking out for.

    and today, not many people came online, did the rain wash them away?
    hahas, hope not.

    Tuesday, January 10

    My birthday is coming so I decided to post, and maybe make it a point to post whenever I come online.
    These few days been doing the same stuffs, play gunz, haiyoh what else.
    Then my sister was making this skin for her friend one day, encountered a problem when she used one of my templates, so I had it completed for her, then I was thinking about my blog, so I started blogging again, but, this time, I took the skin of the day, by some model girl or something.
    You can check out her skins through credits.
    Ok, Singapore Idol, Super Band, some other shows coming soon, must vote de. Wonder if there's going to be any William Hungs, or stuff. Hope there are some great teams or singers.
    Tau Pok is almost out, if there's anyone that can replace him for 2006.
    I'll be also moderating forums, my group's forums, teddy bear forums, also accessable through links.

    Hope to meet new friends this year and get better grades, till then. (till when? lol.)